Hi, my name is Matej
I'm a Web Developer.


About me

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I am a self-taught web developer looking for project opportunities. Although coming from another industry (traffic engineer), I deeply believe that it also presents certain advantages. My results in other fields speak to my willingness to learn and progress. So far I feel confident with HTML, CSS (Sass), Javascript, React and Node.js. I've build few React applications and some other projects. I am improving myself every day learning new tools in React.

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A web application that allows a user to enter the url of an image he wants to know if it contains a human face. The result is the same picture with a framed face if there is a face. The app uses Clarifai's AI Face Recognition Model.

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Web page

I created a simple website for a private company using a free template. Since Bootstrap was implemented in the project, I was interested in how difficult it is to convert a complete page to React. Although from the current perspective I see that this site could have been made much better, I am proud of it as my first real-life project.

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Gradient generator

Background generator is a free tool that lets you create a gradient background for websites. One can create the gradients and export the CSS code with colors in RGB format.

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Projects in developement


I am currently creating a web shop to gain more advanced knowledge of Firebase and Redux and to learn Docker, GraphQL and other tools. After mastering it, I plan to create a real-life web-shop page.

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